Friday, August 3, 2007

Grounding Your Home

The reason focusing on each area of the bagua affects those corresponding areas of our life is because as we work on that corner in our home, our intention is becoming clearer. We are able to create a visual for ourselves that expresses our intention and the Universe gets the message. I like to ground the areas in my home as well as set the overall energy to something that means something to me. For example I've set the energy of my home at "Sanctuary" and grounded my relationship corner in "Fun, companionship and love". Here are some photos of different grounding cords I use around the house to help support my intention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i LOVE this idea! I used items that were significant to me to create a 'grounding talisman' for the front doors and it actually FEELS like a conduit. I recommend this to all my clients.