Monday, August 6, 2007

It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect

But, everything has a place. In this case, there was one battery in the drawer, meanwhile ALL the other batteries are in the refrigerator so...duh, this one should be in the fridge too. Allergy medicine, medicine cabinet. Take out napkins, gonna be used today for cleaning. Headphones, go with the electronic stuff. Straws, in the cabinet with all the other straws...and it goes on and on. I allowed myself some room and left the tacks in this drawer because that's where I'm used to them being and I also left the paint brushes here because this is where I hide my good paint brushes from my son!! haha. A couple of pens and some rubber bands, but otherwise, this is a kitchen silverwear drawer.

1 comment:

daragay said...

If you want some motivation, you could also try getting pregnant. The nesting urge can be DANGEROUS! especially if jeni is yr friend