Friday, August 10, 2007

Why NOT Honey?

Honey must not be used at any time internally. It's manufactured from the nectar picked up from the flowers by the bees-good enough in itself perhaps - but then it's predigested, vomited and stored for their own future use with a preservative added. it is deficient in calcium and has many detrimental effects for the human being.
According to one authority, honey is a "magical and mystical word in Healthfoodland. It is one of the most overpromoted, overpriced products being sold to gullible health foodists. The great value attributed to honey is delusive...honey is only a little less empty and more dangerous than sugar."
Just as with alcohol, honey, being predigested, enters the blood directly, raising the sugar content very rapidly above normal.. To correct this, the pancreas must produce insulin immediately or possible death can occur. More insulin than necessary is likely to be produced, and the blood sugar level then drops to below normal. When blood sugar is below normal, a person will feel depressed. The regular use of honey can create constant imbalances which in turn will adversly affect the normal function of the liver, pancreas and spleen. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are the results of the use of unbalanced sugars. The balanced sugar in maple syrup and sugar cane juices cause no dangerous side effects. All natural fruits and vegetables have balanced sugars in them. Artificial synthetic and refined sugars have no place in the natural diet.

Stanley Burroughs
Author of The Master Cleanser and Healing For The Age of Enlightenment

"To many people, God seems so far away. If so, who did the moving?"
Stanely Burroughs


CLK 123 said...

wow, who knew?!

Tamicka C. said...

That's sooo crazy! I have been drinking honey (like 2 tsp. in every cup/4 cups daily)in my Yerba tea for the past week, and I have NEVER felt so sluggish in my life! Never! The honey is the only change I've made to my diet. WOW! Today is a good day for a cleansing! Love to all ya'll!

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Anonymous said...

Just that is necessary. said...

This meme that pre digested sugars in honey are dangerous is just nonsense and pseudo science. In 2008 I was pre diabetic and on meds to lower blood sugar. A1c over 9 (pre diabetic) I switched all my sweeteners to my own home grown honey. Not only has my A1c dropped to ideal levels (5.2) but my bad cholesterol and tri glycerides dropped to normal. My doctor has taken me off medications for cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. I also lost 30 pounds of liver fat. We have eaten honey regularly for millions of years (Homo erectus ate honey) and evolved with it. There is no real science to back up these claims.

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